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  • Christina Thompson

Review: You Shouldn't Have Come Here by Jeneva Rose

From the author of The Perfect Marriage and One of is Dead comes a new thriller following Grace Evans and her escape from reality into the mountains of Wyoming, she faces a 10-day stay with a handsome host at an Airbnb. What could go wrong?

This was one of my anticipated reads, set to release on April 25, 2023. The premise is very intriguing for a thriller - following Grace Evans, who decides to escape her busy city life by booking an Airbnb on a ranch in the middle of nowhere Wyoming. Grace takes to the owner during her stay - but as they get closer, something doesn't feel right but for who?

You Shouldn't Have Come Here was definitely a quicker read for me but for different reasons than I hoped. This book starts out strong, building the vibe for some epic horror to take place. However, it never quite reaches that potential. Around 25% is where things started to fall off for me and the dynamic between Grace and Calvin turns into a back-and-forth game of who trusts who, slow burn, romance vibe. This has echoes of a Collen Hoover book - if you like it, great, if it's not your thing, this may not be either.

Some of the dialogue was cringe, and a majority of the story just felt disconnected. Everything felt drawn out and the characters were just meh. By the time I got to the end of the book, I was desensitized to what the twist really was because I was not invested in anything at this point. I also think for how much time was spent on the 10 days of Grace's stay, the ending was just kind of an afterthought.

I rated this 2 stars for the potential, and the unique premise, but overall felt disconnected and the focus of the story was not to my taste. Thanks to Edelweiss and Blackstone Publishing for providing a digital copy in exchange for my honest opinion.


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